Hello and thanks for dropping by.
I am happy to unveil a new site design. Much of the previous material is still here, it just has an updated look. I was able to correct a bunch of typos in the blogs, although some probably remain. I am not a great typist and auto-correct is not always my friend.
I am not one to wax rhapsodic about much. We have all heard [over and over…and over] how WONDERFUL it is to be back together and how much we have MISSED doing what we had become accustomed to before the pandemic wreaked havoc on our routine behavior. Indeed, it was a somewhat strange time and I feel badly for the students, who missed out on playing music together (and graduation ceremonies, etc.). For me, the return has not been all that different, since I taught in person through the pandemic, while taking every available precaution to protect both the students’ and my health.
This fall I have 18 wonderful students. Wonderful people, in addition to being wonderful young musicians. Of course, I worry about them finding a place in the music world and all I can do is prepare them as thoroughly as I am able. I have shared the following statement in my masterclasses but am not sure I have written it in any of my blogs:
“I am training my replacement. I want my students to know everything I know. I am training my replacement BUT
you have to be good.”
This marks my 20th(!) year on the faculty of Indiana University. One aspect that is different this year is that I am taking half of each semester away from teaching at the Jacobs School. I was granted a sabbatical leave during the 20-21 school year but opted not to take it in order to preserve continuity for the students during the pandemic. This semester, Dr. Terry Leahy will be teaching my studio for 8 weeks and next semester Dr. Jonathan Whitaker will teach the studio for half of the semester. I am excited for my students to learn from these excellent teachers and players. I am also excited for Terry and Jon to be around my crew.
That’s it for now. I close with my usual under-delivered promise to write more blogs and to stay more current with this site.
Stay positive and keep your thoughts elevated!